להיות אמא ואזרחית במדינת ישראל ובעולם... בעולם משתנה ומאתגר, המלצות, דעות, והגיגים.

יום ראשון, 5 בספטמבר 2010

Who is the post-zionist?

(An English version of the Aug 17th 2010 post)

So who is the post-zionist and what does he represent? Is he pro-Palestinian?

Finally the truth is out in the open. The extreme radical leftists in Israel found a name for their agenda: post-zionism. Personnaly I feel relieved. No longer they claim to be zionists. No longer they care about the Jewish-democratic nature of Israel. I appreciate honesty and I'm always looking for the truth.

So what is post-zionism? Has the time come to move on to the next stage after zionism? The zionist movement established the state of Israel as a home for the Jewish people. The only place in the world where Jews have the political power to decide for themselves. The only place in the world where Jews have the military power to defend themselves and fight for their lives. There is no other place in the world where the life of a Jew has some value or meaning. A terror attack on a hotel in Tabba in Egipt proved to the Israelis that if you are a victim of a terror attack, you'd better be in Israel, where you know you will be taken to the hospital as soon as possible, and that all efforts will be made to save your life, no matter the colour of your skin, your religion or gender. Today Jews from western Europe (especially France) and north America buy houses and start making steps towards Alliyah (citizenship in Israel) because they might feel in a way that the life of a Jew can become dispensable again.

The Israeli post-zionists are a group of people that is no longer sure of our right to live in Israel. These people present us in a twisted way, as if we are depriving rights from minorities, like in South-Africa. This has nothing to do with the truth!!! The Arab minority (and chritian, Druze and others of course) has exactly the same rights as the Jewish majority. They can drive where ever they want. 20% of the students in Israeli universities are Arabs, the exact percentage of Arab population from total population in Israel. If I asked an Israeli Arab to give back his Israeli I.D. and move to the Palestinian Authority Territories, for example, he will object, right after he'd call me a racist. Racism has nothing to do with this issue. It's all about demographic threat.

I would like to address the occupation issue in one paragraph. When the white man occupied America - the Indians (native Americans) fought for their lives, territories and culture. When the white man occupied Africa the natives of this continent were taken to be slaves in other continents, and again the white man deprived them from human rights and from their culture or religion. All of this has NOTHING to do with what happened in Palestine-Israel. 2000 years ago there was a Jewish nation in Israel-Judea area. The holy temple in Jeusalem was destroyed for the 2nd time in history, this time by the Romans, and Jews were exhiled and the territory was named Palestine because of the Pleshet people, which has no connection what so ever to the Palestinians today. Jerusalem was sacred to Jews even before Islam was even "born". The area was governed by the Romans, Othomans, Mamluks, Turkish, and British people through out the years, and ther was wondering of many people with different religions and nationalities. All these years Jews were also here, sitting in Jerusalem, Tiberias... In 1948 the Jews did not occupy territories from native strangers, they liberated Israel from the sovereignity of the British Mandate. Today, all citizens have equal rights, no matter the colour of their skin, race, religion or gender.
This link gives more examples

I don't think time has come to move on and leave zionism behind. Zionism gave the Jews a home and security, and it is our duty to keep our home safe, and wish for peace inside and outside, with our neighbours. This is the essence of the zionism today, in my opinion.
I am interested to hear what you have to say about that.

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